How might we make

livelihood opportunities

accessible to the

youth from marginalized

Secondary Research To understand the existing scenario, struggles , policies created for marginalised communities

Key issues identified from the secondary research.

Unemployment Rate in India This study was done to understand the unemployment rate statistics in India and the various factors that impacted these numbers.

Unemployment Rate in India


The average unemployment rate remained at 5.46% across 21 years, But the scenario changed after the introduction of the scheme – digital India.But this number took a massive toll after the covid hit.

Unemployment Rate trend in India amongst youth


Even though the unemployment rate didn’t have many deviations, the unemployment rate among the youth has seen a gradual increase in the past 20 years

Gap Analysis A look into existing schemes and government policies to understand the workability in this sector , and to look for opportunities to work in.

N.S.D.C and PMKVY  The approach is to develop partnerships with multiple stakeholders and build on current efforts, rather than undertaking too many initiatives directly, or duplicating efforts currently underway. To scale up efforts necessary to achieve the objective of skilling / up-skilling 150 million people.

Gap Analysis Matrix

Current State

Future State


Actions to close gap

This system creates an ecosystem of empowerment by skilling at scale, speed, and quality and to promote a culture of innovation-based entrepreneurship that can generate employment

This system should benefit the people with their ancestral skills and also who want to have a job based on their learned skills trained via the skill development center

The system is not focusing on people already with knowledge of some skill (mostly ancestral skill )

Government should focus more on the people with ancestral skills, and with the existing system of providing training for new skills and provide and identity for the people

The confusion here is what is the benefit for the people with ancestral skills, which they like to continue

This will create benefits and monetary aspects for the people who already have an ancestral skill

This will help to grow indigenous skills to become live and meaningful with recognization of the artists

This Gap will be addressed in the platform about the importance of all the skills and giving recognition to the skill

This is done when the user attend counselling

This will create benefits and monetary aspects for the people who already have an ancestral skill

These differences will be helpful when people decide to work on the skill which they learned

This Gap will be addressed when there is need to treat and respect all the skills and employment equally

Online information/counseling platform, counseling helpline, district-level skill information center, and skill development institute

The government and other government organizations like government colleges

The gap will be closed when government and other fellow citizens should take responsibility for appreciating and embrace everyone’s skill

The government and other government organizations like government colleges

Online information/counseling platform, counseling helpline, district-level skill information center, and skill development institute

In a digital medium, it will be very effective immediately once the structure is well organized.

The gap will be improved by giving an identity and recognition to all the professional by treating them equally

This will be rolled out when the platform is live, and people and companies use it effectively


The system is not focusing on people already with knowledge of some skill (mostly ancestral skill )

There is a gap in giving identity and recognition to all professions.

There is a gap in terms of youth employment, which needs to be addressed.

Focus area To ensure that the system operates smoothly, secondary research and a gap analysis were used to select the focus area, considering the user groups to be designed for.


How might we ?


What’s and how’s

How will the platform benefit the marginalised youth? How do we encourage people to use the platform? What can bring their trust in the platform?

Key words

Employment Identity Bridging skill gap

Connect with the community Creating economic resilience Changing narratives

Why digital platform?


What does it do

Altering and rejuvenating the question ‘who am I, and creating an identity not based on social norms but on the skill they acquired.

Altering and rejuvenating the question ‘who am I, and creating an identity not based on social norms but on the skill they acquired.

Facilitating youngsters to acquire new skillsets that might provide more job opportunities.

Conceptual model

The platform provides three major features-Providing identity , livelihood

and employment. This system aims to connect various stakeholders ,

creating a cohesive platform.

How might we make

livelihood opportunities

accessible to the

youth from marginalized

How does it do

Providing a social identity which is not driven by prejudice of the social construct ,but by skill and talent of the individual

Reframing the identity as a key factor in providing an empowering aspect to these marginalized communities, bringing them closer to opportunities.

Service Blueprint

This introduces different stakeholders involved in this system and shows where and what role they play.


A college dropout student from a marginalized community is searching for a job to get employed to create an identity for himself.

Scenario 2 A skilled artisan from a marginalized community who lives in one part of the world can connect with people in another part of the world, leading to transcultural exchange

Scenario 3 An artisan gets a better livelihood by uploading his artwork and being recognized by a fashion studio, and collaboration happens, thereby increasing their livelihood.

Work in progress

The user who is already skillful or trying to improve their skill after learning courses offered in the platform can apply for jobs in this portal. Because of government policies and CSR activity, some companies participate in the recruitment process on this platform.